Saturday, September 6, 2008

The other pictures were from my friend honey she made a great mommy.I was next and as you can see I have lots of babies with me!!!

Hi I am honey and I am pround mommy...take a look and you will see how very cute my puppies will be!!!

rubba dub dub lots of puppies in the tub!!!!

puppies puppies and yess more puppies...!!!!

Here are some puppy pics.....take a look and have fun ...maybe there will be something that your looking for Enjoy!!1...and please fee free to come and see some more!!!...have fun!!!!

our pomeranian puppies!!!areant they cute??/

Hey again are the fruits of our labor...oaky not really ours but there parents..As you can see we have lots of colors and sizes.We have had some smaller 3-6 pounds and some bigger 8-12 pounds...depending on the parents and litter size...take a look we hope oyu enjoy and if you ahve any questions let us know and thanks for looking ...enjoy!!!

us and the fun we are having!!!take a look....

Hello ya all....we have been having so much fun raising pom puppies and finding them great new forever homes...this is our way of being able to share our Hooby with all of you.....We have created a Blog...from all of us to all of you..we hope you enjoy and please feel fre to ask questions and if there any pups oyu see and might want to get to know better hey let us know that to.If you have a question for us and cant answer it right away I will personally get it for you as soon as I can.We also offer traingin and doggie sitting as well...Hope you all enjoy and thanks for stopping by.Have a great day!!!